
Traditional Acupuncture may be especially beneficial to the following conditions:

  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Shoulder and neck pain
  • Stress-related conditions
  • Anxiety
  • Acute injuries: strains and sprains
  • Muscle pain and sports injuries
  • Back pain
  • Shoulder pain / frozen shoulder
  • Tennis elbow
  • Chronic pain from any source
  • Improving alertness of the mind
  • Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
  • Facial Revitalization
  • Digestive Issues
  • Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Nausea: including morning sickness in pregnancy
  • Women’s Health: period pains, menopausal hot flushes
  • Fertility Issues and Infertility
  • Allergies: hay fever and urticaria
  • Insomnia
  • Relaxation and Improving overall well being
  • Revitalising skin
  • Sinus problems
  • Aiding in stopping smoking / other addictions
  • Pain of arthritis or rheumatism
  • Chronic tension
  • Stress-related conditions
  • Bladder problems such as incontinence or frequent urination

Treatment involves the insertion of fine needles into points in the skin. The aim of the treatments are to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal. Acupuncture needles are sterile and disposable, single-use only.

Diagnosis includes traditional Chinese methods of assessing the state of health in the body including viewing the patient’s tongue and taking the pulse at the wrist.

Western research continues to point at the role of acupuncture in effecting the fascia of the body which may contribute to releasing adhesions in connective tissue and transmit biomechanical signals that block pain signals, promote endorphin release, and promote healing in the body.

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Traditional acupuncture features the insertion of very fine needles into acupuncture points determined by your practitioner. The needles are all as fine as a human hair, pre-sterilized, and single use only. Depending on your condition, you will typically have 6-20 needles per session, which remain in the skin for 20-30 minutes per session. Most people describe the feeling of the insertion of the needles as painless or like a small bug bite. Benefits include increased consultation and treatment time, scheduling flexibility, thus ensuring very individualistic treatments which may be more suitable for your condition or preference.

Cupping Therapy

This is a treatment using vacuum pressure of glass cups to circulate blood and body fluids / lymph to areas of congestion in the body, as well as to release adhesions in the fascia and connective tissue of the body. It is most commonly used in treating musculo-skeletal tension of the upper back and shoulders, as well as to treat cold and flu congestion; however, cupping can be applicable to a variety of conditions, including pre-menstrual tension, and areas of structural constraint.

Moxibustion/Heat therapy

This can be a part of acupuncture treatment or a stand alone treatment. It involves applying warmth to various acupuncture points or areas of the body using either a traditional Chinese herb mugwort (Artemis vulgaris) or infrared heat lamp.


This procedure involves mild electric stimulation at acupoints aimed at reducing pain and improving mobility. It is generally combined within an acupuncture treatment.

Tui Na Massage Therapy

This bodywork treatment applies techniques based in Chinese medicine traditions to release discomfort, rebalance energy and stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities. The techniques apply comfortable pressure to points along acupressure meridians which affect fascial intersections and help release connective tissue adhesions. The work may include rhythmically pressing, grasping, lifting, and rolling various parts of the body, loosening fascia, joints and muscles, and aiding circulation. Acupressure techniques are employed to aid facial revitalisation.